Lubbock Aero
The field trip was planned by our
cub scout pack as part of our summer fun - and boy it was fun! We went to
Lubbock Aero where people that own planes get to park their planes. They have
three buildings that they call hangers where airplanes can park. We got to sit
in one of the tiny planes over there too. They have a gas station there with
special gas for the airplanes. They even have classes there when they teach
people that want to learn to fly.

Lubbock International Airport
I've flown on a plane before to my aunts house, but I didn't know that it took all of those people. First, we ate a sack lunch in a cool room upstairs where you could see all of the planes and the travelers. We got our own badges, coloring books and even some wings to pin on before we went on a tour of the whole place. That's where we really started to see all of the people that it takes to make the planes fly - it takes more than just the pilot. There are the folks that check the bags, and then those that check the people. Those that help the people get to the plane and thosethat help everyone once they get on the plane -and even more people that help the planes, to keep them clean inside and out, to keep them gassed up and to keep them flying on time.
We we walked out on to the road under the main airport, we saw a plane land, taxi up, and unload the passangers. One of the crew got out nad told us the pilot said that it would be ok if we got on and took a look around - that was just so cool. Some of our scout friends had never been on an airplane.
Airport Control Tower
After the airport tour, we went over to the tower to see what all goes on over there. The people that work in the control tower help the planes get to where they are going. They have computers that scan the sky to show where everyone is flying. Upstairs you could actually see the airplanes flying near the airport. The guys that work up there help the planes land and take off. We got to use binoculars to watch the airplanes come in and go out.
The whole day was just so fun. It made me want to be a pilot, but my sister still wants to work in the doughnut store. That's ok. I like doughnuts alot.