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check out my mom's post about trying new things
St. Louis is a great city with lots to do. It was an enjoyable day. A few of the things that are fun to do might include going to the ball park, walking around downtown (make sure to check out the splash pad), and of course seeing the arch is a must.
- C check out my mom's post about trying new things
There's something I just love about the first football game of the season. It was my little brother first football game this weekend. It was awesome to watch him play!
![]() Hello, this is clayton! Guess what I did this weekend? I went to Palo Duro Canyon, near Amarillo, TX. I saw the musical drama, Texas the Musical, went horseback riding, and even went mountian biking! My friend, Stephen, invited me to go with his family to the canyon. They have a trailer that we slept in, watched TV in, ate meals in and even took showers in. It was a great way to go camping. It has been over 100 degrees for over 40 days in a row here in Texas, but in the trailer it felt so good. Biking and Hiking We rode our bikes around the camp site mostly, but one day we rode for miles on the China Berry Trail. We saw cactus plants, some trees, and birds. On a different trail, we went hiking and found the most awesome cave. It was really cold inside the cave. The middle part was terribly dark, but you could see all the way - probally 35 feet to the top - through a hole in the cave at one point. The dark parts were the most fun because you didn't know what you were going to run into. Texas the Musical Before the play there were activities like live music, digging for gold, and a gift shop too. The Big Texan from Amarillo was serving dinner - big steaks, mashed potatos, green beans and grapes - and it was awesome. The whole play was full of singing and dancing, telling the story of Texas - how it was built and how the people that first came to Texas survived. The best part was the gun shot, when one of the characters fires into the air to get everyone attention - and boy it did! The man riding the horse up on top of the canyon waving the Texas flag was pretty awesome too! Horse Back Riding The last day, we rode horses for about an hour all around the canyon. It was my first time to ride a horse. At first it was really, really slow, then going down hills the horses sort of sped up. Recomendation I really enjoyed my trip to the canyon. We had so much fun. I think that everyone should go to Palo Duro Canyon if they can. Stop at the Visitors Center and learn about the canyon, and enjoy all of the things that there are to do. More Information www.palodurocanyon.com/ www.texas-show.com/ We rode the Metro from Preston Street, because we knew that it would thrill our son named Preston, and then we walked about a mile down to the zoo. It was hot and we were pretty tired by the time we got to the entrance, but right at the front (the entrance we came in were near the hospitial) were giraffes that were being hand fed lettuce.
Walked around to the big cats and got to see the lions upclose through glass. It was really cool to be able to be that close to the boy. The children's area was neat too, with a few playgrounds and a funny ground hog thing where you could stick your head out of the hole like a ground hog. There was so much there, even though it's a very small zoo - even Diego and Dora in 3D! To make the visit even better we read Houston Zoo Blogs and looked at theDaily Activities Schedule oniline. The zoo even has an app for iPhone and Andriod with more tips and ideas about how to make the most of your visit. At the zoo timing is everything so knowing when and where things are taking place helps you to plan your day. ![]() We love bounce houses and try to think of reasons to get one or get to go jump on one all the time. We've had them for picnics and birthday parties and jumped on them all over the place - including the Stars and Stripes Drive In! Tonight we got to play on one for hours at a friends birthday party. It was a giant water slide and it was so much fun. It was tall and the slide was way faster then I thought that it would be at first. Spoil Me Rotten is a great place to call when you want to jump. They will drop the bounce houses off anywhere and they have lots of different kinds of bouncers too! They cost different amounts too, but when you call Tony, he can help you figure all of that out. If you have to plan a party for kids, you'll probally make them super happy if there is a bouncy thing there! Twilight Camp is for Cub Scouts. This year it was held at the PASS center in Lubbock each evening.
We did bow and arrows, shot bb guns, learned how to use a compass and had a water balloon launch from a cannon. There was even a snack bar! The camp was so much fun. I'm really glad that I got to go and learn all of that fun stuff. I think that I was the only Tiger Cub there - that means I was the youngest person. Cub Scouts will be so fun next year! - Preston (6) More Info: Camp http://www.southplainscouncil.org/documents/ChaparralTwilightCamp.pdf Tiger Cubs http://www.southplainscouncil.org/TigerCubs.htm Cub Scouts http://www.southplainscouncil.org/CubScouts.htm Waiting for Addison's class to start for our first Summer Activity of the summer, we decided to go over to the new park to check out the new equipment. It was so cool. I really liked that there was a whole area for little kids and a whole area for bigger kids. The new kinds of playgrounds like this are pretty cool with some many different things to do - even drums and chimes over in the little kids area! I can't wait to go back! - Preston More Information
Lubbock Parks and Rec http://parks.ci.lubbock.tx.us/default.aspx New Playground http://parks.ci.lubbock.tx.us/newsPage.aspx?ID=3243 Summer Activity Guide http://parks.ci.lubbock.tx.us/newsPage.aspx?ID=3234 Today, like we've done before a few times, we loaded up all the bicycles and took them to bridge at 4th and Flint, northeast of the Ranching Heritage Center. Parking in the large lot at the Texas Tech Administrative Support Center, we unloaded the bikes and headed for the entrance to the bridge. There were a few other people walking and riding along, but mostly it was wide open for us to play. It was so steep to get up, that made it really hard. The turns on the steep part, make it easy for you to fall down. My brother and sister crashed twice today, but so did I last time we rode over the bridge. There are barrels on the bottom of the turns that look like they are made out of concrete. They are pointy on top too, just watch out for them. Whenever you get to the top, just go straight, but not too fast because the big ramp is coming up on the otherside. Whenever you see a car coming, it's a little wierd - it feels like you might get smashed. It looks like the big trucks touch the bottom of the bridge. You can even feel it on your feet! Going down it's really easy for you to fall off your bike. Don't pull the breaks too hard or you could go flying like a monkey. If you don't go too fast down, you won't get hurt. Going as fast as you can, but still being safe is the best part. It's super fun! - by Clayton ![]() For the price, we had a lot of fun. We were on our bikes and we were outside - and going fast! I can't wait until we go again. With the rest of the summer left to play, I bet we'll get to go again soon. |
AuthorsAfter watching the first episode of Nickelodean iCarly, where the main character decides to do a web show, my kids decided that they would like to do a "show". Choosing to share our experiences with others, sounded like a really fun idea. SuscribeConnectArchives
December 2016